One yoga practice I wish more people knew about is the 10 yama/niyama, or guidelines for living your yoga. These first two limbs hold infinite wisdom and guidance for living our yoga both on and off the mat. Once you, consistently, integrate them into your life, you will understand why they are prioritized as the first two limbs, of the eight limbs of yoga. For this reason, Flow Studio, Jaya Yoga Registered Yoga School, and SAYF Yoga, together, are offering a now expanded Transformative 10-Week Journey into Limbs 1/2 - Yama & Niyama: Limbs 1/2 - Yama & Niyama January 17-March 21 Join us for a 10-Week deep dive into the first two limbs of yoga: the Yama and Niyama as taught from the teachings of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras and The Bhagavad Gita. For the early price of just $299 ($399 after Jan 1st), you get $597 worth of content and teaching:
 1) Satsang - Fridays 1:30-2:30 pm PST Online discussion via Zoom.
 2) Integrated practices - Mon and Fri 12-1 PST - available live-streaming, or via recording, (Flow Members can attend in-studio, if they choose) that integrate the teachings into a practice that focuses both on psychological, energetic, and kinesthetic awareness of one yama/niyama each week.
 ~ Monday practice begins and ends with meditation.
 ~ Friday practice includes using a 36 inch foam roller as a prop (and both practices use 2 blocks), so you will need those props, if attending from home.
 3) Yama/Niyama Online Learning Program with weekly reading and self inquiry journal prompts.
 4) Certificate of Completion, after successful completion of Final Self Assessment Quiz.
 5) 35 Hours (CE or YTT hours eligible) BONUS MATERIAL:
 ~ The Yoga of Relationship: What Patanjali teaches us in the sutras about relating to others. - FREE ($99 value)
 ~ What is your journey? 3 Steps or 8 Limbs? The Path of Effort or the Path of Grace? - FREE ($99 value)
You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app
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